About Us
The Rolls-Royce Owners' Club of Australia (Victoria Branch) originated in the mid-1950s when a number of factors fell into line. Walter Vears had been photographing every Rolls-Royce that he saw for years. Eventually, Wally had an idea. Getting together with all of the owners, sharing enthusiasm, interest and experiences. Eventually, on the fourth of March 1957, Wally sent an invitation (typed by Mrs Vears) to 27 people he had met or heard of since. 15 owners and 6 cars duly met at his house in Highett to discuss the motorcars and the formation of a Club. A second meeting was held on the 28th of April 1957, office-bearers were elected, and the Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club (Victoria Branch) was underway.
As has often been the way, Victoria came after the New South Wales Branch. The Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club (NSW Branch) had been established in Sydney a year earlier in 1956 by a similar combination of circumstances. South Australia followed in 1958, Western Australia in 1965, Queensland in 1969, Australian Capital Territory in 1982 and Northern Territory in 1994 as a Section of WA, and Tasmania in 1995 as a Section of Victoria. Branch rivalry has always been robust and highly competitive, and great friendships have formed and endured over many years. Membership of each Branch has grown steadily over the years and we meet regularly and organise motoring related events.
Annually on a rotating basis, each state Branch hosts a Federal Rally open to every Club member which many travel vast distances to attend, year after year. More recently, the Federal Rally has been in Toowoomba in Queensland, Bendigo in Victoria, Canberra in the ACT and Clare in SA. The Club caters for all Rolls-Royce and Bentley motorcars and welcomes enthusiasts with an interest in these cars.
Our Community
Monthly Meetings
Monthly meetings are held in Melbourne on the second Thursday of each month at 8pm. The program, after business, may include a guest speaker, a technical discussion, films and informal discussion.
Club Events
Club events are usually held on the third Sunday of each month. These include picnic outings, visits to places of interest, motoring events, sporting and social activities and an annual concours d'elegance. A federal rally is held each year⏤moving in rotation from state to state.