Thursday 13th January 2022 – 7.00 pm
Iron Bark Station, Lillypilly Lane, Kilsyth South Once again we will be commencing the new year with our annual evening picnic at this wonderful location. Our hosts Angie and Darren Phelan are looking forward to welcoming our club to their now famous Iron Bark Station. There is so much to see and experience at this mid 1850’s US-Australian style colonial ‘township’ on their 4ha property – a replica coach house, working pub, stables, blacksmith shop and harness saddle room, 20 horse drawn carriages including an original Cobb & Co coach and of course the Clydesdale horses. This is the perfect location for an evening picnic. One of our most popular events and not to be missed.
You will need to book via TryBooking: https://www.trybooking. com/BVZUW
Members will need to provide proof of vaccination at check-in to the venue.