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NZ Rolls-Royce & Bentley Club 50th Anniversary Tour 2023

NZ Rolls-Royce & Bentley Club 50th Anniversary Tour

15th – 26th April 2023

Outline Programme – March 2023 update

We aim to make this special event as flexible as possible – please join as much or as little of it as you want to or can.  The programme is pretty well fixed but will inevitably be subject to some minor changes as numbers firm and the events coalesce.

While we are now passed the date for early registrations, there is still opportunity to participate by registering NOW at - we will do our best to ensure that you are booked in with other club members. Once registered you’ll get the tour goodie bag and then book through our Travel Agent the items highlighted in the programme (download Tour Programme) and that you intend to join us. 
If you have any queries, please call Gary on 0272 220 044 or Murray on 021 311 335 or Simon on 021 615 725 who will be happy to help.


SOUTHERN TOUR – For those heading northwards (17th to 21 April)

Note:  Southern Tour participants will make their own accommodation bookings for the South Island leg. 
Refer to Murray on 021 311 335 for details.

NORTHERN TOUR – for those heading southwards (14th to 18th April)
Note: Please make your Accommodation and Tour Dinner bookings through the Tour Travel Package Form. 

Please do not try to make your own bookings through other means as we have had to make block group bookings which require deposits and other commitments made by our Travel Agent and the Club.

CENTRAL TOUR - the Central Region joins the Northern contingent  (19th to 21st April)

Our Northern Tour team will meet up with the Central Region members


Note: Please make your Accommodation, Tour Dinner and Excursion bookings through the Tour Travel Package Form. 

Please do not try to make your own bookings through other means as we have had to make block group bookings which require deposits and other commitments made by our Travel Agent and the Club.


While we are now passed the date for early registrations, there is still opportunity to participate by registering NOW.

13 April

General Meeting (BAH)

16 April

High Tea B24 Liberator Museum