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General Meeting: Keith Mortimer guest speaker: “Current and Future Directions for Australian Car Clubs”

The Road Ahead - What is the future for Historic Motoring

Soup and Pie Night

Our guest speaker for August is our own Snr Vice President Keith Mortimer and as many of you know Keith is very much involved with our movement serving on the committee of the AOMC as well as the AHMF as our National Body

Come along and explore the challenges and opportunities facing the Historic Motoring movement both in Australia and Internationally and be a part of the conversation on issues such as

  • Environmental consideration

  • Safety elements

  • Alternative fuels

  • Lost trades and skills

  • Community perceptions

and many others that impact the love and enjoyment of our PMCs

We certainly live in interesting times

7 August

Drive and be Driven (BAH and LGSI)

19 August

Silver Shadow Register Yarrawonga