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Technical Section (LGSI) - Concours Judging Preparation

The Club Annual Concours is scheduled for Sunday 18th September at Xavier college in the usual brilliant sunshine.  We will again have the Judges training day this year at L.G.S.I. on 4th September starting time is 10.30am.

All those willing to be Concours Judges are asked to attend. The day is open to all members and we encourage those learning and interested in participating in the Judging to become part of the team.

Vic Branch Chief Judge and now Federal Chief Judge Neil Mathews will be the presenter and with his vast knowledge of the procedure will explain details and give guidance as to what is required of a Judge to give a fair and unbiased assessment of what is needed to win a class and win the concours overall.

In this modern world there is much dispute over modifications. For example and particularly referring to the older cars, power steering not being an original specification to a model, the list goes on, hydraulic Disc front brakes, and dare I say Holden or Ford engines with auto transmissions, we could even end up with electric motors. These modifications properly engineered and approved could comply with Sir Henry’s standard of excellence as do modern Tyres, Exhausts, Spark Plugs etc. that are now approved for Judging compliance. Perhaps modified cars should be disqualified. Come and ask the Chief Judge.

As Spring will soon be with us it is a great time to come out of hibernation and polish up our cars ready for the many listed events on the Spring motoring calendar.

BBQ expert Steve will have the usual delights for us on the day.

Motoring on together


24 August

Midweek Run

8 September

Annual General Meeting (BAH)